Snail Slime
“A cosmetic raw material used in the production of lotions, gels, serums and moisturizers. Also used for curing haemorrhoids, boils, scrofula, scars, wrinkles and acne."
Snail meat is a healthy protein source with less to no calories.
We process deshelled whole snails as either frozen or oven dried under the "Nwapa Snail Fillet" brand.
With our specialized pens and greenhouses for snail farming, farmers are able to maximize farm output with reduced mortality rate. We also offer snail farming trainings and technical solutions.
At present, we have overseen the construction of over 40 snail greenhouses across the country for farmers whom we train and offer technical assistance. Offtake agreements are reached to buy back a percentage of their annual ready-to-market snails
“Snailry-GH team has been of immense support to our snail farming business. The technical, marketing and consultancy received has been invaluable. Definitely a 5 star service!”